Cycling during rainy season in Bangkok

Cycling while raining in Bangkok? Is that doable?

It’s one of the most asked questions from customers and will explain a bit more about the situations we face while cycling in Bangkok during the rainy season in Bangkok.

The rainy season in Bangkok starts usually around July and ends in October. Its as if somebody is flipping a switch and all of a sudden the rain stops and the sun makes a comeback.

  1. Does the rain affect the bicycle tours? No, not really. Its most likely going to last between 10-20 minutes during the late afternoon time and early mornings.
  2. Do we stop when it rains? Yes we do. We normally stop for shelter. However all agree we are most happy to continue the tour enjoying a warm shower
  3. Do we provide raincoats during rain? Yes our guides carry poncho’s and can be used while cycling in Bangkok through rain we may face.
  4. How long does the rain last? Normally between 10-20 minutes. Its very local and it may wel be not raining 5 minutes down the road.

As mentioned above the rain is very local. It may very well be that you set of from your hotel in the rain but at arrival for the start of the tour the sun is shining. So please don’t hesitate joining the tour when it rains at or near your place of stay in Bangkok. It most likely stops or is non existent at the starting point of ‘Go!’ Bangkok Tours.

And if all else fails you can enjoy a lukewarm shower for as long as it may last!

For more info on our tours ‘whether’ it rains or not please click HERE

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